This amused me. Cheered my day. Hide the Decline from Minnesotans for Global Warming
6 thoughts on “Warmergate (Mark Stein’s term) with music”
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This amused me. Cheered my day. Hide the Decline from Minnesotans for Global Warming
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It’s a sad day when scientists ignore or hide truth, even if they believe they are doing it for the better good.
Hi Jagi, I just wanted to know if you received my e-mail from last week about how I received the postcard you sent me from China?^_^
No! I did not see the email. How strange! I’m so glad you got the postcard! (Love your icon.)
We are so happy with our lovely daughter. She is bright and fun and she and the boys adore each other. ;-)
Really? That’s weird, because I sent the e-mail to you on the 18th.
Thankees, I’m happy you <3 my Yukito-san icon!! I know, isn't it cute?:D
I’m also happy to hear that all is going so well with your daughter.^_^
Oh, yes!
Someone on Baen’s Bar posted this today and I intended to send it you to give you a morale boost.
I forwarded to several friends.
Re: Oh, yes!
Thanks for the thought. I’ll retroactively adjust my sense filter to recall that you sent the link. ;-)