We has a lovely time at Balticon. The Launch went well. We saw many friends.
Today is the Cherubim’s birthday, so I spent the morning so far doing a bit of shopping for cake and other foods he likes and running a treat by the school for him to share with his class. (It was a fun visit. It was the only time I’ve ever visited that he seemed to care I was there or not want me to go.)
I got home to find a Summons, a Warrent for Debt, on my door.
Blink, blink, blink
This was a big shock, because we’re not behind on anything. Turns out, after I studied it more carefully, that it was not for us. It was for our neighbor. I felt bad bringing it over to them. But, as John and I well know, better to get a summons than to NOT get it and not show up at court.
The Cherubim seems happy with his loot so far. Hopefully, the bike we bought him will be ready before the day is out. (It’s being adjusted and having training wheels added.)