The Wrights Hijack Catholic Geek Radio!

Tomorrow from 7pm to 9pm EST, while the unsuspecting Declan Finn rests on his long-needed vacation, John C. Wright and L. Jagi Lamplighter will be hijacking his radio show: Catholic Geek Radio. As if this were not bad enough, the Wrights have turned the show over to a crew of imaginary characters. The Lady Rachel…


Signal Boost: The Ironwood Staff

The Ironwood Staff by J. H. Hamilton This is a Superversive book. The story is like a high fantasy set in Africa with Zen elves, but the progressive ideas of the villains and the way in which evil corrupts and spreads, as well as what the hero must do to fight it, lends a Superversive thread to…


New Release: Live and Let Bite

New Release: Live and Let Bite The third book in series following the Dragon Award nominated "Love at First Bite"   Merlin “Merle” Kraft has been fighting the darkness for months. He left San Francisco in the capable hands of Marco Catalano and his anti-vampire team to defend them against vampires. With special operators at…


Secret Kings launch! (Book Three in the Soul Cycle)

Book three in the Soul Cycle launches today. I have the honor of being the editor for this series, so I am delighted to see Book Three reach its eagerly-awaiting readers. Campbell Award finalist Brian Niemeier’s highly acclaimed Soul Cycle speeds toward its climax in the thrilling sequel to Dragon Award winner Souldancer and to Nethereal, The…


The People’s Front wants YOU!

A reader who has done John and I a good turn asked for help recruiting for his World of Warcraft guild: World of Warcraft Guild looking for new members: People’s Front is a casual, yet active, old school guild on the Alliance side of the Khadgar Server. They are mid-sized and have been around since vanilla. People’s…


Sigfried and the Skunk!

An excerpt from The Unexpected Enlightenment of Rachel Griffin — which is FREE through today. “Are you going to study?” Rachel asked Sigfried, whom she found romping with Lucky in the ferns behind Dare Hall. “Study? What’s that?” Sigfried snorted. “Certainly not. I’m going exploring.” “Oh! Me, too!” Rachel cried, delighted. She pulled a Cadbury’s bar…


What Age Are the Rachel Griffin Novels For?

First book, FREE today! You think this would be an easy question…but it's not. Let me ask you: What age are fairytales for? What age are Grimm's fairytales for? What age is Ursula LeGuin's A Wizard of Earthsea for? When I was young, books were categorized much differently than they are now. Fantasy was closer…


Puppy of the Month Book Club!

A new online book club sets out to read and discuss Puppy titles.  Puppy of the Month Book Club says of their criteria. So what makes a book a viable candidate for Puppy Of the Month?  Easy: Any novel nominated by the Sad Puppies for a Hugo nomination Any novel nominated by the Rabid Puppies…
