Bound Uncorrected Manuscripts, Ahoi!

When my editor said he was sending "Bound Uncorrected Manuscripts," I thought he meant something about the size of a computer paper page with a ring binding.


But no! Today, I got home to find on my doorstep something that looks like a little book! (Like an ARC, if you’ve seen one of those.) They were Bound Uncorrected Manuscripts of Prospero Lost. They’re so cute! Kind of a salmon color. Wow!

Here, again, incase anyone is interested, is the link to the first chapter of Prospero Lost. (If you read it, please come back here and tell me! ;-)


16 thoughts on “Bound Uncorrected Manuscripts, Ahoi!

    • Only parts of it happen in Oregon…but that’s her home, and she returns there a number of times. ;-)

      So glad you enjoyed it!!!

      It gets better, too. The beginning is the weakest part.

  1. Only parts of it happen in Oregon…but that’s her home, and she returns there a number of times. ;-)

    So glad you enjoyed it!!!

    It gets better, too. The beginning is the weakest part.

  2. I really want to read this!

    Can’t wait to read the whole novel! When will it be out?
    I notice that Gregor died in 1924. Had he by chance been transformed into a giant bug?

    • Re: I really want to read this!

      It will be out next summer.

      >I notice that Gregor died in 1924. Had he by chance been transformed into a giant bug?

      Oh, that made me laugh! Not sure how to answer that one, as it comes disturbingly close to the truth. The simple answer is no, not a bug. ;-)

  3. I really want to read this!

    Can’t wait to read the whole novel! When will it be out?
    I notice that Gregor died in 1924. Had he by chance been transformed into a giant bug?

  4. Re: I really want to read this!

    It will be out next summer.

    >I notice that Gregor died in 1924. Had he by chance been transformed into a giant bug?

    Oh, that made me laugh! Not sure how to answer that one, as it comes disturbingly close to the truth. The simple answer is no, not a bug. ;-)

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