They have shown the original Star Wars movies on…I think Spike TV. I forget the last time it aired them, but I know they have.
its hard to believe
that the phantom menace could create a new fanbase
Re: its hard to believe
I think it’s the clone war cartoons and movies that they know best…but still…
What worries me is the moral ambiguity of the newer movies. I miss the freedom good/Vadar bad quality of the old movies.
Re: its hard to believe
Well, if you take the entire arc of the original trilogy, I do feel that redemption for Vader is an all too easy matter of siding with his son over the guy who’s been playing him for years at the very end. Not a sufficient mea culpa even for the killing of the young padawans years ago, let alone all his atrocities since, to my mind, but there he shows up as a happy Force ghost at the end of Return anyway.
Given that Anakin’s fall from grace to become Vader is the through line of the newer movies (and almost had to be, because that’s what sets up the originals), there almost had to be more moral ambiguity. After all, there’s no point to the story of Anakin’s corruption if he doesn’t start off as a sympathetic character who gets corrupted by the pleasing liar Palpatine. Not that they entirely succeeded in this given the actors chosen, but that was the intent.
Re: its hard to believe
>After all, there’s no point to the story of Anakin’s corruption if he doesn’t start off as a sympathetic character who gets corrupted
True. Definitely.
But if I were writing such a story, knowing that it was popular with children, I would not have made the guy who was going to fall the HERO.
Re: its hard to believe
I was more worried about the sinking of all those wonderful novels in the new movie. And the suckification of Jedi in general. >.>
But still, it’s funny; I’m here wondering whether or not I should even show my kids– or my niece, as she is born and my kids are still hypothetical– the new movies at all. They’re like separate works.
Re: its hard to believe
Be sure to show them the original trilogy first. I’ve heard a woman who showed two boys she was baby sitting in that order and the climax of The Empire Strikes back had them freaking out — it is entirely possible that osmosis has not told them that yet.
Re: its hard to believe
This is something that needs to be corrected. To quote Real Genius: “It’s a Moral Imperative!”
They have shown the original Star Wars movies on…I think Spike TV. I forget the last time it aired them, but I know they have.
its hard to believe
that the phantom menace could create a new fanbase
Re: its hard to believe
I think it’s the clone war cartoons and movies that they know best…but still…
What worries me is the moral ambiguity of the newer movies. I miss the freedom good/Vadar bad quality of the old movies.
Re: its hard to believe
Well, if you take the entire arc of the original trilogy, I do feel that redemption for Vader is an all too easy matter of siding with his son over the guy who’s been playing him for years at the very end. Not a sufficient mea culpa even for the killing of the young padawans years ago, let alone all his atrocities since, to my mind, but there he shows up as a happy Force ghost at the end of Return anyway.
Given that Anakin’s fall from grace to become Vader is the through line of the newer movies (and almost had to be, because that’s what sets up the originals), there almost had to be more moral ambiguity. After all, there’s no point to the story of Anakin’s corruption if he doesn’t start off as a sympathetic character who gets corrupted by the pleasing liar Palpatine. Not that they entirely succeeded in this given the actors chosen, but that was the intent.
Re: its hard to believe
>After all, there’s no point to the story of Anakin’s corruption if he doesn’t start off as a sympathetic character who gets corrupted
True. Definitely.
But if I were writing such a story, knowing that it was popular with children, I would not have made the guy who was going to fall the HERO.
Re: its hard to believe
I was more worried about the sinking of all those wonderful novels in the new movie. And the suckification of Jedi in general. >.>
But still, it’s funny; I’m here wondering whether or not I should even show my kids– or my niece, as she is born and my kids are still hypothetical– the new movies at all. They’re like separate works.
Re: its hard to believe
Be sure to show them the original trilogy first. I’ve heard a woman who showed two boys she was baby sitting in that order and the climax of The Empire Strikes back had them freaking out — it is entirely possible that osmosis has not told them that yet.
Re: its hard to believe
This is something that needs to be corrected. To quote Real Genius: “It’s a Moral Imperative!”