Friday, May 11, 2012
Literary Panel Sponsored by American Women Writers National Museum
11:30-1:30 p.m. at 1275 K St. NW @ 13th St. NW, Suite 102
Washington, D.C. 20005
(13th St. shared space entrance)
*If you do not live in the D.C. area, this invitation is being shared with you as an update on AWWNM programs. Please visit AWWNM when you are in D.C.!
Colleen Cahill, Library of Congress' recommending officer for fantasy and science fiction, will moderate a Friday May 11 lunchtime panel discussing: Fantastic Heroines of Sci Fi & Fantasy.
The literary panel, sponsored by the American Women Writers National Museum at 1275 K St. NW @13th St. NW, (13th St. entrance) will be from 11:30-1:30 p.m.
Joining Cahill to explore ways the Sci Fi/Fantasy heroine of 2012 has evolved, will be local authors: Brenda Clough, L. Jagi Lamplighter and Jeri Smith-Ready, all of whom include something about the D.C. area in their writings.
"This is such a great topic! Until very recently, in Sci Fi and Fantasy genres, a 'strong heroine' meant a woman who acted like a man: showing little vulnerability, and fighting evil with violence. But as society's perceptions of masculinity and femininity become more fluid, heroines can show strength in more nuanced and complex ways," explained May 11 panelist Smith-Ready, an award-winning author of ten fantasy novels.
"Searching out role models; seeking characters who inspire them to do more with their own lives, is one reason people read. We'll discuss the women of modern fantasy and sci fi, and where the best role models can be found," explained panelist L. Jagi Lamplighter.