At Long Last…Guardians of the Twilight Lands
I have always been fascinated by the progression of time. We wait for some event in anticipation—a vacation, a birth, a wedding, a holiday. Time creeps as the date slowly approaches. Then, the date arrives. It’s here! We can hardly believe it! The events we have been so anticipating flow around us. Often, it…
The Life of Jane Lamplighter aka Janey Warner Brown–A Celebration!
Happy Birthday, Rachel Griffin!
In honor of Rachel's 12th birthday (her adventure starts in September of 2023, so she is twelve today), here is a list of the other places stories about Rachel and/or her friends appear: A story about Rachel and Sigfried: FantasticSchools, Vol. 1 — Includes "Rachel Griffin and the Missing Laundry" — a Rachel and Sigfried (and…
Heart’s Hope
Starquest — Space Pirates of Andromeda, Episode Three
Vow a Vow upon a Star Centaurus Outer System, Aboard the Mustardseed Lyra had run out of tears. Everything seemed numb and dim. She sat in the cockpit of the one-seater skiff. She was too small for the pilot's harness. The straps hung loose. Her feet did not reach the pedals controlling gyroscope attitude…
Rachel Griffin Returns!
The Fifth Book of Unexpected Enlightenment is now live! We are celebrating Rachel Griffin's birthday (March 30th) with the release of the next Book of Unexpected Enlightenment. Rachel Griffin Knows a Secret Everyone Else Has Forgotten… …She has discovered she has an older sister named Amber, who was stolen-away as a baby. Nobody but Rachel…
Still Waters works — Non-Fiction from John C. Wright
Here are the books of John's that we are currently publishing ourselves through Amazon.The first three are availble in ebook and paper, and The Last Straw is now available on Audible! Come quibble about a galaxy far far away! Once, in a theater long ago and far, far away, young audiences thrilled to the nostalgic…
Signal Boost: Fade by Daniel Humphreys
New release from our new publisher, Silver Empire: Harry Dresden’s sorcery goes on a Supernatural-style road trip. Cool car sold separately. Paxton Locke is the son of a Witch. Family drama is bad enough without adding human sacrifice to the mix. Ten years ago, his mother killed his father in a grisly ritual that Paxton…
Planetary: Luna is live!
You may have heard that the Planetary anthology series has changed publishers and is now coming out from Tuscany Bay Books (TBB). Today, TBB launches Planetary: Luna. I am particularly proud of this book because I was the co-editor before it moved to its new home. (I bowed out because I wasn't needed.) This book…