The Bifrost Between Calico and Gingham

I have been asked what the Puppies—Sad and Rabid alike—are objecting to? If they are not racist or homophobes—ie, if it is not the author's identity that they object to—why do they think that so many of the stories that have been winning the Hugo and the Nebula are receiving their awards for the wrong reasons?…


Tor and the Puppies: I Am Not A Number!

The last week or so has been very painful. On one hand, I have tremendous sympathy for the many good folks at Tor, some of whom I have known for 30 years. On the other hand, I also have tremendous sympathy for the fans—a few of whom are veterans who fought actual Nazis—who feel they…


RavenCon Here We Come

John and I shall be appearing at RavenCon in Richmond, VA on Saturday and Sunday.  Info here:  Ravencon is a great convention. This year, they happened to have guests on both sides of a number of big controversies…controversies that developed since all these guests were invited.   Out of respect for this great convention,…
