The line “To be or not to be” appeared in an episode of Gilligan’s Island that the children were watching, so Juss wanted to know what it meant. I told him just a little about it, including the fact that Hamlet was a play by Shakespeare, where everyone dies and As You Like It was a play by Shakespeare where everyone gets married.
Juss declared that he was going to write his own version of Hamlet where there was a lot of killing but Hamlet had the magic power to resist anything, so he lives and gets married. He then went on to tell me about the sequels, which would involve Hamlet’s son. (Eventually, he changed Hamlet’s name to Nicky, his favorite name. He names everything Nick or Nicky, but left the son’s name Hamlet.) The son, too, would have the magic power to recover from anything.
Book Four, in which Hamlet fought super villains, would be called: Hamlet and the Dark Side.
The line “To be or not to be” appeared in an episode of Gilligan’s Island that the children were watching
Was that the one where the Islanders turn Hamlet into a musical?
And, suddenly, the details of that episode come flooding back to me.
I require mind bleach. ><
I don’t know. I didn’t see it. I’ll ask. ;-)
The line “To be or not to be” appeared in an episode of Gilligan’s Island that the children were watching
Was that the one where the Islanders turn Hamlet into a musical?
And, suddenly, the details of that episode come flooding back to me.
I require mind bleach. ><
I don’t know. I didn’t see it. I’ll ask. ;-)
Oh, that’s brilliant. Have I mentioned that your kids are win?
… I very much need to send you (another) updated version of Tranquility. More sections are being added / overhauled.
I have started it, but haven’t gotten very far yet. Basically, I took the summer off from writing to spend it with the kids, so I don’t have my normal bags of time at the computer. I’m still working on it, though! If I don’t get to it soon, I’ll be back to bags of computer time in Sept.
Oh, that’s brilliant. Have I mentioned that your kids are win?
… I very much need to send you (another) updated version of Tranquility. More sections are being added / overhauled.
I have started it, but haven’t gotten very far yet. Basically, I took the summer off from writing to spend it with the kids, so I don’t have my normal bags of time at the computer. I’m still working on it, though! If I don’t get to it soon, I’ll be back to bags of computer time in Sept.
Have you got the boys the Lambs’ Tales from Shakespeare yet? My sisters and I adored this as children and it’s a nice introduction to the Bard.
No! Juss was just asking for Shakespeare stories and I’d seen those at the bookstore. I didn’t know if they were any good. I’ll check them out!
Have you got the boys the Lambs’ Tales from Shakespeare yet? My sisters and I adored this as children and it’s a nice introduction to the Bard.
No! Juss was just asking for Shakespeare stories and I’d seen those at the bookstore. I didn’t know if they were any good. I’ll check them out!