Over on Wired, they have a list of the top ten movies they’re now dreading. Sadly, I’d actually love to see one of them: “Wolverine in Wonderland.”
I wonder what this means for Universal Studios? Has Disney found a way to destroy their amusement park competition?
Well, it would give a whole new take on Beauty & the Beast.
It looks like Disney (!) is coming out with a movie, King of the Elves, based on a Philip K. Dick story.
Philip K. Dick and Disney. Not two things that go together.
Disney as parent corp
We should be used to this. Disney owns Castle Rock so they don’t have to put their name on grown-up films, they own Pixar so they aren’t restricted to “drawn” cartoons, now they own Marvel so they can make money on standard super hero films. You don’t think they’ll put the Disney name on those things do you?
I was in my car when I heard this and did a little happy dance in the seat. Even better for a finance-head like myself, Disney stock is dropping on the news; probably overpaid for Marvel. If it stays low I’ve got a great acquisition target for my savings
Also, I’m amused and intrigued by all the crossover potentials. catholicteacher is right, it won’t be obvious, unless it’s worthwhile. Iron Man is not going to be showing up at the Magic Kingdom anytime soon. Studios? That could happen.
Over on Wired, they have a list of the top ten movies they’re now dreading. Sadly, I’d actually love to see one of them: “Wolverine in Wonderland.”
I wonder what this means for Universal Studios? Has Disney found a way to destroy their amusement park competition?
Well, it would give a whole new take on Beauty & the Beast.
It looks like Disney (!) is coming out with a movie, King of the Elves, based on a Philip K. Dick story.
Philip K. Dick and Disney. Not two things that go together.
Disney as parent corp
We should be used to this. Disney owns Castle Rock so they don’t have to put their name on grown-up films, they own Pixar so they aren’t restricted to “drawn” cartoons, now they own Marvel so they can make money on standard super hero films. You don’t think they’ll put the Disney name on those things do you?
I was in my car when I heard this and did a little happy dance in the seat. Even better for a finance-head like myself, Disney stock is dropping on the news; probably overpaid for Marvel. If it stays low I’ve got a great acquisition target for my savings
Also, I’m amused and intrigued by all the crossover potentials. catholicteacher is right, it won’t be obvious, unless it’s worthwhile. Iron Man is not going to be showing up at the Magic Kingdom anytime soon. Studios? That could happen.