The Wright Magicians

Yesterday, Orville gave a magic show for his class. We snuck Juss out of school (it was the next to last day of school, so he merely missed  a pizza party) and he acted as Orville’s assistant, doing a trick or two of his own.

The show was a big success. Best one Orville has done yet. But when the boys did their dress rehersal for us the night before, we learned something significant.


The moment Ping-Ping saw the boys in their black cloaks and hats, she started asking "Why no me? Why no me this one? Me China this one!" As soon as the show was over, she came up and performed two magic tricks for the family. Apparently, she had learned a few tricks back in China.

So, now we are going to get her a hat and cloak and have her join in the show. For Volunteer week this year, I think we’ll have the three of them perform together for the half-a-dozen residences at the nursing home where my mom works. (Lynn House is mainly a place for those recovering from accidents or illnesses. They only have a small residential wing, which is why there are about a half dozen folks to entertain.)

The Wright Magicians, Live at Lynn House!

This whole magic show thing, by the way, has been entirely orchestrated by my mom. She came up with the idea, helped them make the tricks, and practiced with them. All I did was watch the show.
