Once again…Wright’s Writing Corner is held up by editing…but the good news is that I am on the last few chapters…so I may post a writing post tomorrow.
In the meantime, today is the last day to vote on the Preditors and Editors pole:
Preditors and Editors Poll Today is the final day of voting. If you have not already voted, please consider voting for Danielle Ackley-McPhail and her works in the following categories: Book Editor – http://www.critters.org/predpoll/bookeditor.shtml (Danielle Ackley-McPhail) Anthologies – http://www.critters.org/predpoll/antho.shtml (either Dragon’s Lure or Bad-Ass Faeries 3) Author – http://www.critters.org/predpoll/author.shtml (Danielle Ackley-McPhail Promotional Sites – http://www.critters.org/predpoll/promotions.shtml (Official Bad-Ass Faeries Series Website) NonFiction Article – http://www.critters.org/predpoll/nonfiction.shtml (The Naming Of Names) Book/eBook Publisher – http://www.critters.org/predpoll/ebookpublisher.shtml (Dark Quest Books)
New Release Dark Quest Books has just released the title By Other Means, book three in the award-winning Defending the Future anthology series, edited by Mike McPhail. The book contains Danielle Ackley-McPhail’s story “True Colors”. http://www.defendingthefuture.com/DTF3-ByOtherMeans.htm This Is No Longer A Standup Fight! Suit up! The war is far from over in fifteen all new Defending The Future stories. Fight alongside old comrades with tales of the Roosevelt, Cybermarines, DemonTech, Alliance Archives, Radiation Angels, and the 142nd Starbourne, or explore new visions of military science fiction from the leaders in the genre. With stories by Jack Campbell (John G. Hemry), David Sherman, Charles E. Gannon, Andy Remic, James Chambers, Bud Sparhawk, Jeffrey Lyman, Peter Prellwitz, C.J. Henderson, Jeff Young, Mike McPhail, Patrick Thomas, James Daniel Ross, Robert E. Waters, and Danielle Ackley-McPhail Guest Blog Danielle Ackley-McPhail has been featured over at Rambling Roses, Purple Prose and other Asinine Alliteration, where she discusses the origins of the Bad-Ass Faeries series, upcoming publications, and so much more. Hope you enjoy!