So, Juss has decided to form a corporation…to make origami Star Wars stuff, I think. I'm sorry to admit I wasn't paying attention when he first told me. He asked me what he should do with his inventions: sell them or just keep them.
He then told me he had some employees.
"Puppy?" I asked, as we were in his room after lights out and he was hugging his plushy puppy.
"Yeah, my bed buddies," he has a LOT of bed buddies. That's a large work force. "But there are others.
"Arco, the muses. Or maybe they're my bosses, because they send me ideas."
He may have said other stuff, but I was too busy inwardly squeeing. Arco hasn't been around in quite awhile. I was so happy to hear he was helping out.
Juss went on to mention some of his other 'invisible brothers' from the old days, including Sharko and Eyebrow Surfer.