Small Favor that would be a big help!


Just learned that rankings at Amazon increases, if readers do the following. E(ven if you don't normally shop or buy at Amazon, if you do the following 3 things, you will help me out tremendously! )

1) Like my Author Central Page (look for the LIKE button, upper right hand side). I’ve included the link below.

2) Click on STAY UP TO DATE (just below the LIKE) for announcements of new releases

3) Put my books on your Wish List. (You can only do this with books you haven’t already purchased at Amazon—if you’ve purchased the e-books, you can put the print books on your Wish List and visa versa).

Here's the link to my Author Page for items #1 and #2:

All the editions of my books are listed on that page, so it’s easy to click through on the link to put them on your Wish List.

Thanks guys!!!
