Live on Indiegogo — The Art and Craft of Writing
Off to DragonCon!
The Last Redoubt — Widescreen
Rt. 66: Highway for the Working Man or Playway for the Rich?
Speaking Truth to Bullies
The Messiah Prophecies
For tonight's service, I put together the passages in The Book of Matthew that refers to "fulfillment of prophecy" and the original Old Testament passages to which they refer. I really enjoyed seeing this in context. Posting this here, in case anyone else might enjoy it. Biblical Messianic Prophecies and Their Fulfillment (according to St.…
In which I am interviewed…
Pride Goeth Before the Mansplaining
We hear a great deal nowadays about outrage addiction, how Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sights, combined with fake news, fuel a wrath-based addiction in a large portion of the populace. What we seldom address is that this faux outrage we are all indulging in is not true wrath. It is pride. True wrath…