Starquest — Space Pirates of Andromeda, Episode Three

Vow a Vow upon a Star Centaurus Outer System, Aboard the Mustardseed   Lyra had run out of tears. Everything seemed numb and dim. She sat in the cockpit of the one-seater skiff. She was too small for the pilot's harness. The straps hung loose. Her feet did not reach the pedals controlling gyroscope attitude…


Planetary: Luna is live!

You may have heard that the Planetary anthology series has changed publishers and is now coming out from Tuscany Bay Books (TBB). Today, TBB launches Planetary: Luna. I am particularly proud of this book because I was the co-editor before it moved to its new home. (I bowed out because I wasn't needed.) This book…


Off to DragonCon!

I will be leaving for DragonCon in just over a week. Superversive Press will be selling books there at Bard's Tower in the Dealer's Room. Here is our recent promotion video with all things Superversive Press!


Pride Goeth Before the Mansplaining

We hear a great deal nowadays about outrage addiction, how Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sights, combined with fake news, fuel a wrath-based addiction in a large portion of the populace. What we seldom address is that this faux outrage we are all indulging in is not true wrath. It is pride. True wrath…
