Here are the books of John's that we are currently publishing ourselves through Amazon.The first three are availble in ebook and paper, and The Last Straw is now available on Audible!
Come quibble about a galaxy far far away!
Once, in a theater long ago and far, far away, young audiences thrilled to the nostalgic space epic of yesteryear, known then only as STAR WARS, and were duly enthralled. So much goodwill, so much affection, so much love has rarely been lavished on any franchise. So much money from so many eager fans was never so readily available.
And yet, with one potent Deathstar-like blast of mind-breakingly awful film making, the Disney Corporation has managed to alienate that goodwill, spurn that affection, and lose that money. Why? What makes THE LAST JEDI so appallingly bad? What made the film perp think he could win over his audience by insulting his audience?
Science Fiction Grandmaster John C Wright laments, analyzes, and autopsies the horrific story-telling of a film that, for so many of us, was the last hope for STAR WARS, the last dime we will ever spend on this once-beloved franchise, and the last straw that broke our patience.
See The Last Straw on Amazon
Now available as an audiobook!
Peek into the heart of Science Fiction!
From John Carter's Mars to that of C. S. Lewis, Science Fiction astounds us with wonder.
Science Fiction Grandmaster John C Wright here presents essays on topics both deep and trivial surrounding the strange and wonderful worlds of science fiction and fantasy. Thoughtful, humorous, deep, or absurd, Wright travels the width of the cosmos and plumbs the deeps of eternity through the lens of simple space adventure stories to say what these flights of fancy say about life on earth, and the secrets hidden in the human heart.
See From Barsoom to Malacandra on Amazon
"Shoot him with an elf arrow!"
Learn why this may be author John C. Wright's most famous line!
A collection of brilliant and thought-provoking essays by the science fiction grandmaster John C. Wright. From the history of the Golden Age of science fiction to the ideology of the gender wars presently dividing hard science fiction from urban fantasy-romance, Wright’s commentary is always intelligent, observant, and precisely to the point
In the 16 essays that make up the collection, Wright addresses a wide spectrum of ideas. He considers the darker possibilities of transhumanism, provides a professorial lesson on the mechanics of writing fiction, explains the noble purpose underlying science fiction, and shows how the genre’s obsession with strong female characters is nothing less than an attack on human nature. In every essay, Wright exhibits his compassion, his humanity, and his deep and abiding love for literature.
John C. Wright has been described as one of the most important and audacious authors in science fiction today. In a recent poll of more than 1,000 science fiction readers, he was chosen as the sixth-greatest living science fiction writer. See Transhuman and Subhuman on Amazon
Thoughts on A Voyage to Arcturus
Lament of Prometheus in a nonfiction work in which award-winning science fiction grandmaster John C. Wright sets out to explain the inexplicable: A Voyage to Arcturus written in 1920 by Scottish author David Lindsay, is a fascinating, blasphemous, and magnificent failure.
Wright sets out to explore the weird, wild, wonderful world depicted in Lindsay's forgotten masterpiece, to plumb its depths, decode its symbols, discover its secrets, praise its breathtaking literary achievement, and to name rightly what David Lindsay hid under onion layers of riddles: a striking yet morbid message.